Problems of Rational Island Management in the Arctic

Автор: Inieva N.S.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Social sciences, economics, management

Статья в выпуске: 16, 2014 года.

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This article reports on the main environmental chal-lenges for northern insular territories. Here you can find the national approaches to these problems, with possibilities of regional cooperation in universal island policy implementation with regard to ecological limitations being specified.

Arctic islands, island territory, regional policy, effi-cient island exploitation, regional cooperation, regional policy, northern islands, sustainable development

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148319826

Список литературы Problems of Rational Island Management in the Arctic

  • Limarev V.I. Osnovy ostrovovedeniya [Baseline of Island science]. Monograph / edited by B.G.Ermolina. Arkhangelsk, Pomorsky gosudarstvenniy universitet, 2002. 192 p.
  • Lukin Y.F. Velikiy peredel Arktiki [Great margin of the Arctic]. Arkhangelsk, NArFU, 2010. 400 p.
  • Sivakov D. Vodnoye pravo Rossii i zarubezhnyh gosudarstv [Russian and foreign countries’ water laws]. Litres, 2013. 480 p.
  • Ivanov A.N. Sistema osobo ohranyaemyh prirodnyh territoriy na ostrovah severnoy pacifiki [System of nature reserves on islands of Northern Pacific]. Geografiya i prirodniye resursy Geography and natural sciences, 2007, no. 4. pp. 28-­‐32.
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