Problems of the Arctic traditional industries in Yakutia

Автор: Rodnina Natalya V.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Social and economic development

Статья в выпуске: 41, 2020 года.

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The transformations taking place in Russia since the 90s have changed both the political and economic and social systems of the country. Privatization led to a loss of manageability of all agriculture, but significantly negatively affected the traditional agricultural sectors of Yakutia. The transformation of organizational and legal forms and the transition to small-scale production negatively affected animal husbandry as the main occupation of the republic's indigenous population. Despite government support for traditional industries, there has been no positive change. Of particular concern is the implementation of large industrial projects in the Arctic. The subject of the study is factors and trends affecting the socio-economic situation and the development of traditional industries. The goal is to determine the features and patterns of the development of traditional industries and assess the impact of ongoing transformations in the Arctic on their condition. The research hypothesis is the assumption of insufficient state regulation measures and mutually beneficial economic relations with business in the industrial development of the Arctic. The results of the studies showed the need to increase the attention of all levels of government in deciding on the development of a particular territory of the Arctic and identifying such rules and mechanisms for companies that should not only ensure the preservation of agricultural industries, but also improve the quality and standard of living of the population. The research methodology is based on system analysis using economic and statistical methods, analytical and computational algorithms for processing information on the development of agro-industrial complex and changing dynamics, including content analysis.


Traditional industries, arctic, state support, business, social responsibility, reindeer herding, herding horse breeding, economic potential

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IDR: 148318362   |   DOI: 10.37482/issn2221-2698.2020.41.75

Список литературы Problems of the Arctic traditional industries in Yakutia

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