Problems of using external sources of financing for small businesses

Автор: Muravyova N.N., Zalybina A.I.

Журнал: Экономика и бизнес: теория и практика @economyandbusiness

Статья в выпуске: 9-2 (115), 2024 года.

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This article analyzes various types (options) of external financing for small businesses, the source of which are commercial banks, the state, and specialized online platforms. The conditions and possibilities for using each of the allocated types of financing were considered. The extreme limitations of the average small businesses use of most of the considered options for external (including concessional) financing was identified as the most significant problem, along with the high cost of self-financing and the increase in the cost of credit resources in the current economic situation.

Small business, external financing, sources of financing, bank lending, government funding, alternative sources

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IDR: 170206817   |   DOI: 10.24412/2411-0450-2024-9-2-91-94

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