Problems of qualification of crimes in the sale of stolen vehicles

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The article analyzes the current law enforcement activities related to fraud in which money is fraudulently seized through the sale of a vehicle with a deliberately fake identification number. The practical need of law enforcement agencies for the emergence of a clear criterion for the criminal legal assessment of acts in the criminal sale of cars. The expediency of creating such a criterion is due to the emerging problems in the law enforcement activities of law enforcement agencies and courts. The theoretical basis of the conducted research was various scientific materials on the problems of criminal law response to criminal challenges aimed at making the legality of civil law transactions, the subject of which are stolen vehicles. Such methods as dialectical, comparative legal and descriptive were applied. The analysis of scientific sources, as well as judicial practice, is carried out. As a result of the conducted research, the scientific views of scientists on the problem of qualification of crimes in the sale of a vehicle with a deliberately fake identification number were analyzed, relevant judicial practice was studied and doctrinal solutions aimed at improving the process of such qualification were developed. The author proposes a previously unknown principle of establishing both the presence and absence of a set of crimes when a vehicle with a deliberately fake identification number is sold. The scientific article is the bearer of a criminal law idea aimed at improving law enforcement practice in the qualification of crimes, judicial interpretation and lawmaking. Additional tools have been developed to counter the sale of criminal vehicles by creating a legal platform for recognizing a "bona fide acquirer" as a victim with all positive consequences for the latter.


Criminal law, criminal liability, problems of qualification of acts, a single crime, a set of crimes

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IDR: 143183559   |   DOI: 10.55001/2587-9820.2024.14.54.011

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