Problems of overcoming gender asymmetry in the context of religious identity

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This article examines the problems of equality between men and women in Kyrgyzstan in the context of religious relations in various historical eras. The existing archaic stereotypes of gender asymmetry among the Kyrgyz in the context of religious (Islamic) identity. Practical recommendations for overcoming them are offered. Currently, in Kyrgyzstan, gender issues have received wide coverage in the research of scientists, experts, representatives of civil society and international organizations. According to experts, the Kyrgyz woman is considered emancipated, having equal rights and freedoms on an equal basis with men. However, the topic of the role and position of Muslim women in secular society remains insufficiently studied in the scientific community, although there are active discussions on this topic in society.


Identity, religious identity, gender asymmetry, koran, sunnah, polygamy, hijab, gender transformation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170205682   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-4-3-239-249

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