Problems of implementation of the institution of public assistant investigator of the Investigative Committee of Russia

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The institution of a public assistant investigator is of great importance in the activities of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for a number of reasons: training of future personnel, assistance to current investigators, etc. The authors draw attention to the fact that there are a number of problems in the activities of both public assistants themselves and their mentors. Based on the data of interviewing these subjects, the main groups of problems arising from the implementation of the institution of public assistants are identified. Attention is paid to the need to create a system of scientifically based recommendations for organizing the work of public assistants and optimizing their activity with investigator-mentors.


Public assistant, investigator, investigation, personnel policy, qualification problems, mentoring, professional competencies, legal education

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140303963

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