Problems of socialization and inculturation in modern conditions
Автор: Kisenko N.P.
Журнал: Общество: философия, история, культура @society-phc
Рубрика: Философия
Статья в выпуске: 10, 2024 года.
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Russian society today is influenced by the process of globalization, which is manifested in objective phenomena such as technical and technological development, as well as subjective manifestations-changes in the value-normative system. The consequence of these processes is an anthropological crisis, the replacement of traditional agents of socialization with new ones - information and telecommunication resources, the Internet. The young generation of Russians, who most actively use new technologies in their everyday and professional lives, is at risk. Using methods of document analysis, synthesis, and analogy, the author identifies permanent features of the processes of socialization and enculturation such as the interplay of conscious and unconscious mechanisms and the law of imitation/copying of the most significant models and values. The article points out that in the modern conditions of the information society, such a sought-after goal of socialization and enculturation as the formation of an integral personality capable of reproducing and transmitting basic values and norms to subsequent generations turns out to be difficult to achieve. The fact of modernity is also becoming the allocation of the Internet as an influential agent of socialization. Employing descriptive, comparative methods, and formal legal source analysis, the author concludes that, alongside the formal-legal influence of the state on the functioning of information and communication resources, there is a necessity for systemic influence from civil society institutions and the education sector as a whole, which can establish appropriate axiological foundations in society and the state.
Socialization, enculturation, values, norms, information society, holistic personality, agents of socialization and enculturation, imitation/copying, conscious and unconscious
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 149146659 | DOI: 10.24158/fik.2024.10.16