Challenges of modern education and their impact on the country’s economy

Автор: Kobzeva M.S.

Журнал: Теория и практика общественного развития @teoria-practica

Рубрика: Экономика

Статья в выпуске: 5, 2024 года.

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The field of education is undergoing significant transformations in response to the evolving needs of society and the economy. In the face of rapid technological advancements and changes in the socio-economic environment, there is a need for updating the content of education to provide the younger generation with the opportunity to successfully adapt and compete in the labor market. The flexibility and responsiveness of the educational system to the changing demands of the modern world are crucial aspects of successfully addressing issues related to the field of education. It is important to create a flexible system capable of tracking current market requirements and offering new knowledge and skills for the future. Additionally, it is necessary to consider the individual characteristics of each learner to create comfortable conditions for their development. This article conducts an analysis of the aforementioned topic, examines changes in the modern educational system, and proposes solutions to the problematic issues in the field of education. In conclusion, the challenges facing modern education are multifaceted and require a comprehensive approach to address. By fostering flexibility, responsiveness, and inclusivity within the education system, countries can better prepare their citizens for the demands of the 21st-century economy. Strategic investments in education, coupled with ongoing research and innovation, are essential for ensuring the continued prosperity and competitiveness of nations in the global marketplace.


Education, innovation platform, bologna process, planning, economic efficiency

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IDR: 149145461   |   DOI: 10.24158/tipor.2024.5.21

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