Processal-algorithmic model of formation of professional interpersonal communicative competencies in railway technical students

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While developing the process-algorithm model of building future track foremen’s professional interpersonal communicative competencies (PICC) the authors show that modeling is an effective tool for studying pedagogical processes, systems, and technologies. The article considers the definitions of concepts “modeling”, and “model” given by renown scientists in the field of methodology of psychological and pedagogical systems. Structurally, the suggested process-algorithm model of building railway students’ professional interpersonal communicative competencies contains ten functional units. The methodological core of the formation process is the competent and modular technology, which is conventionally divided into three local technologies. In order to increase the effectiveness of competency building, local technologies are implemented in the form of training modules (1, 2, 3), each of these training modules has its own purpose and content. Of particular interest is unit 5, which presents the methodology for organizing and conducting summative and formative assessments. Comparison of real and pre-determined levels of building competencies is reflected in unit 7. The positive results are reflected in block 8, and the negative results in block 9 and block 10. For the first time, the whole holistic process of building PICC is presented as a graphical model, where for each individual operation the specific content of functional units as well as their interrelationship are found, which ensures high performance of PICC building.


Model, functional links, interlink relations, railway students, professional interpersonal communicative competencies

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148328957   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2024-26-96-83-88

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