Strength of curvilinearly reinforced plates in a polar coordinate system

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А computer simulation of flat structures to create a fiber composite with curved reinforcement along spiral trajectories in the polar coordinate system has been performed. Numerical comparisons of the reachability of limit states for various reinforcement structures by two families of continuous curved fibers have been made. The calculations take into account the influence of a constant temperature field. In this paper, analytical solutions of the reinforcement intensity function of the differential equation of the constancy of the fiber cross sections for the families of logarithmic and algebraic spirals are found. The analysis of the results shows that due to the choice of curved laying of reinforcing fibers, it is possible to obtain a structure with predetermined properties.


Structural model, curved reinforcement trajectories, thermoelastic behavior, structure limit state

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 146282330   |   DOI: 10.17516/1999-494X-0365

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