"Producing" As a technology of creative education management

Автор: Kiriya Ilya V., Klimova Tatyana V., Korichin Denis A., Bashorina Olga V., Filipova Irina A., Lobatyuk Victoria V., Popova Elena A.

Журнал: Университетское управление: практика и анализ @umj-ru

Рубрика: Университетская среда: тренды развития

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.21, 2017 года.

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This article contains the results of research work conducted by the members of project team «Personnel policy» as part of implementation of the programme «Leaders of change for global universities», Moscow Management School Skolkovo in 2015-2016. The aim of this research was the analysis of personnel policy at Russian universities during the last decade first of all in the field of managing educational activities as creative ones with their peculiarities. Research results allow for drawing a key conclusion on possible borrowing of project models of creative teams management from cultural sphere with the aim of using them in modern dynamically changing and complex university management in order to improve university personnel policy. At present educational process requires project methods of educational programmes management by ensuring voluntary involvement of creative people with individual interests and aims into the environment of vertically integrated and hierarchically administered organizations. At present personnel policy in this field replicates standard managerial instruments (KPI, control, structural and functional organization) which destroy talent and restrain creative energy of specialists. This article is based on the experience of other branches where the function of involving self-organized creative teams into the process is called «producing» and is focused on organizing the work of supporting service structures engaged in selecting creative teams and providing them with resources. Authors believe that at Russian universities such creative teams should be built around educational programme heads, whereas «programme portfolio» creation should be organized on the basis of selection model presented in the article. Selection model improvement can become the topic of the following research. Nevertheless the implementation of the model suggested by the authors can change the situation with university personnel policy for the better by means of forming the strategy of managing teaching and academic teams and systematic personnel policy facilitating competitiveness of the Russian universities. Materials of the article are of interest for university administrators, lecturers and researchers, educational authorities’ representatives, external experts.


Personnel policy, head of an educational programme, producing, management of educational process

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142227198

IDR: 142227198

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