Productive longevity of the cows depending on the system of keeping

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An important task in dairy farming is to increase the duration of economic use of cows. The purpose of the study was to assess the productive longevity of breeding dairy cows depending on the adopted technology of animal keeping. The object of the study was the number of retired cows of black-and-white and red steppe breeds for the period of 2010-2019. The total number of the animals studied made 862 heads. Grouping of animals was carried out taking into account the system of keeping dairy herds adopted by the farms. The main reasons for the retirement of dairy cows from the herds were the diseases of the "other" category, which included metabolic disorders and reduced milk productivity. For this reason, 42.9-44.4 % of all livestock were excluded from the herd. With tethered keeping system, the proportion of those who leave due to limb disease accounted for 13.9 %, which was 2.2 % more than with a non-tethered keeping system, since the animals did not suffer from limb diseases caused by inactivity. The average duration of productive use of cows in breeding herds of the Omsk Region ranged from 1031 to 1208 days. The cows with a tethered keeping system were removed from the herd 177 days earlier than at tethered system (P function show_eabstract() { $('#eabstract1').hide(); $('#eabstract2').show(); $('#eabstract_expand').hide(); }


Productive longevity, content system, milk productivity, selection

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140250640   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-6-126-130

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