The productivity of broiler chickens at the inclusion into their diet of the complex of additional nutrition

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The aim of the research was to study zootechnical indicators, meat productivity indicators of Ross 308 cross broiler chickens when using an additional nutrition complex to reduce the effects of toxins in feed. The research objectives included the determination of the average daily and absolute growth, the safety of chickens at the end of the growing period when enterosorbent was included into their diet; to analyze the results of the control slaughter of broiler chickens. The experiment was conducted on broiler chickens cross "Ross 308". The chickens were grown until 38 days of age. For the experiment, 2 groups of chickens at the age of 1 day were formed, 1000 heads in each, without division by sex. The control group received during 38 day period of growing the following feed: PK-5-0 (Start); PK-2-0 (Growth) and PK-3 (Finish), and in the experimental group the same diet and a complex of additional nutrition at the rate of 0.5 kg per 1 ton of feed were used. Drinking system was drip. To maintain the temperature and humidity conditions in the bird’s house, gas generator, supply and exhaust fans were used. Artificial lighting was used in the barn. The chickens were weighed weekly, determining live weight; the safety was taken into account by the number of birds at the time of slaughter. The methods for anatomical cutting of carcasses to determine the meat qualities of carcasses worked out by V.S. Lukashenko were used. The weight of gutted carcass, throughout the study, in chickens of experimental groups, where enterosorbent was used with the main diet, exceeded control groups by 14.9, 21 and 38 days of the experiment by 12.98 %; 12.21 % and 8.69 %, respectively. Therefore, a higher slaughter yield was observed in chickens in the groups where the complex of additional nutrition was used with the main diet to reduce the effect of toxins in feed. The average daily gain in chickens’ live weight in the group of which the enterosorbent was used, it was 12.29 % higher, and the feed cost per growth unit was 10.8 5 % lower than in the control. The survival in the broilers of experimental group was 94.6 %, in the chickens of control group - 97.5 %. Thus, higher zootechnical indices and indicators of meat productivity were obtained in experimental groups where enterosorbent was used.


Broiler chickens, meat productivity, livestock breeding indicators, enterosorbent, supplementary feeding complex

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140250654   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-6-223-228

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