Bioenergetic potential of black currant’s perspective seedlings

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In the article the results of the study of the phy-siological productivity components of elite black currant’s seedlings which were bred in All-Russia Research Institute for Horticulture named after I.V. Micurin are given. The aim of research was the se-lection of genotypes among perspective seedlings (13-4-195, 15-14-19, 15-14-20, 15-14-29, 15-15-17, 17-10-85, 17-10-96, 19-2-19, 19-5-16, 21-10-50) with better leaf photosynthetic productivity para-meters compare to widespread in Russia variety Zelenaya Dymka. It was revealed that all the seed-lings, except for els 21-10-50 were characterized by high levels of leaf’s net productivity of photosynthe-sis, but only els 19-2-19, 17-10-85 and 13-4-185 were significantly higher than the standard variety. It was determined the presence of a moderate cor-relation between the value of leaf’s net productivity of photosynthesis and berry crop per a bush - 0.370) and the strong relationship between berry crop per buch and bush foliage - 0.822. High bush foliage were characterized els 15-14-19 (6.83 m2), 19-5-16 (5.45 m2), 17-10-85 (5.29 m2) and Zele-naya Dymka (5.11 m2), and the lowest - 21-10- 50 (2.65 m2) and 15-15-17 (2.69 m2). By cultivation without irrigation in the conditions of moisture defi-ciency the black currant’s perspective seedlings form a compact bush, with the projection of the crown of 0,71 (els 15-15-17) to 1.57 m2 (15-14-29). It was revealed that solar radiation energy in the biological yield was used with an efficiency of 1.09 (els 21-10-50) to 2.52 % (15-14-19) per 1 ha, and from 3.39 (21-10-50) to 7.93 % (19-2-19) per 1 m2 plantings strip. Net productivity of photosynthesis’s efficiency in the economic harvest ranged from 0.17 (els 15-15-17) to 0.37 % (15-14-19), per 1 hectare and 0.34 (15-14-29) to 0.96 % (15-14-19) per 1 m2. It was found that complex of high levels of photo-synthetic productivity indicators were characterized Zelenaya Dymka and els 13-4-195, 17-10-85 and 19-2-19.


Black currant, elite seedlings, net photosynthetic productivity of leaves, photosyn-thetic potential of productivity, coefficient of assi-milate utilization for yield, efficiency of photosyn-thetic active radiation

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IDR: 14084751

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