Hens efficiency of different crosses in the conditions of the Republic of Khakassia

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In Russia for production of food eggs generally im-ported crosses are used. The research objective was to estimate suitability of hybrid laying hens of imported crosses Lomann White and Dekalb White to extreme climatic conditions of the Republic of Khakassia. The research problems were to determine the duration of productive period, to study egg efficiency and viability of hens, forage conversion. Laying hens were supported in cellular UniVent batteries. Conditions of feeding and technological parameters were identical for the birds of both groups. The diet included wheat, cake sunflower, peas. The development of economically useful signs of hens was studied by standard techniques. Distinctive quality of hens of these crosses is long productive peri-od equal to 18 months. At identical productive period egg-laying capacity of hens of crosses of Lomann White chickens made 417 eggs at average daily consumption of compound feed of 115.3 g, forage costs of 10 eggs - 1.49 kg, hens of crosses of Dekalb Whyte - respectively 422 eggs, compound feed consumption - 114...


Yaytsenoskost, mass of eggs, live weight, conversion of a forage

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140238129

IDR: 140238129

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