Field crops productivity with contour-buffer field organization in the Orenburg Trans-Urals

Автор: Skorokhodov Vitaly Yurievich, Zorov Alexander Alekseevich, Maksyutov Nikolay Alekseevich, Mitrofanov Dmitry Vladimirovich, Kaftan Yuri Vasilievich, Zenkova Natalia Anatolyevna

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Агрономия

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2022 года.

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The purpose of the study is to develop effective measures to preserve and increase soil fertility, protect it and crops from erosion, weaken the effect of drought and obtain high yields in the Orenburg Trans-Urals. The objects of research are soil, fallow and field crops (winter wheat, rye, durum, soft wheat, peas and barley) in the system of 5-field grain-fallow crop rotation. Soil-protecting, green manure and full fallows were studied in a 5-field grain-fallow crop rotation with a contour-buffer-strip (KBP) field organization with a slope steepness of 1-3°. The scheme of the experimental plot is presented in the form of six 5-field grain-fallow crop rotations: fallows - crops (winter wheat, rye, durum wheat) - soft wheat - peas - barley. The experimental scheme is three-factor: 3A × 4B × 6C, where A is a part of the slope (upper, middle, lower); B - type of fallow (clean, soil-protective, green manure, full fallow); C - field crops (winter wheat, rye, durum wheat, soft wheat, peas, barley). Stubble agrophones and the organization of fields on the northeastern slope with a steepness of 1-3° contribute to the additional accumulation and increase in the snow cover of erosion-unprotected fields, which is a highly effective technique. The assimilation of atmospheric precipitation by fallow fields on average over 5 years is: for the first year of fallowing in clean fallow - 19 %, in full fallows - 40-44 %; in the second year in pure fallow - 40 %, in full fallows - 49-50 %. Conservation and green manure fallows, in comparison with pure fallow, contribute to an increase in the productivity of arable land, without reducing the yield of durum wheat. Taking into account the additional production obtained on these fallows in the year of fallowing, the productivity of 1 ha is higher than that of pure fallow, by 16.6-21.8 centners of a c.u., or 1.7-1.9 times. On the basis of experimental data and their production check in the fields of the Orenburg Trans-Urals, a soil-protective technology of cultivation of spring durum wheat on a soil-protective, green manure fallow has been developed.


Soil-protective agriculture, contour-buffer-strip organization of the field, productivity of slope arable land, resource-saving technologies, soil-protective fallow, green manure fallow, productivity, crop rotation

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IDR: 140293559

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