The project of on-farm land management as the main instrument of formation of ecologically and economically reasonable agricultural land use

Автор: Kolpakova O.P., Kogoyakova V.V., Mamontova S.A., Nezamov V.I.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Агрономия

Статья в выпуске: 5, 2019 года.

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The research objective was the increase of economic efficiency of agricultural land use taking into account ecological indicators due to the optimization of the organization of land use and a reasonable choice of optimum decisions when developing the project of on-farm land management and in particular the systems of crop rotations. The results of the research on the example of JSC “Tselinnoe” of the Republic of Khakassia were presented. Carried-out analysis of lands use found out the shortcomings: the presence of low soil protection capacity of cultivated crops, negative balance of humus, small outlines of land. The data on existing organization of lands and available resources were provided. Developed design solutions for the company "Tselinnoe" and obtained number of economic and ecological indicators testified to the intensification of agricultural production. As a result, the following measures were planned and justified: the transformation of land from pasture to arable land, capital investments amounted to 264 419 rubles, payback period was 3 years; 2 fodder crop rotations on the area of 4577...


Agriculture, on-farm land use planning, ecological and economic justification, effective use of land, project, land organization, crop rotations, land transformation

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IDR: 140243454

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