Professional adaptation of young teachers at the university as a condition for the success of their career in higher education

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The problem of reducing the number of young teachers in the higher education system is considered. The relevance of the research is due to the need for scientific understanding and generalization of the experience of universities in the successful adaptation of young teachers in order to further disseminate successful adaptation practices in the higher education system. The age characteristics of the young teacher, the period of his professional adaptation are determined. The stage of adaptation is considered as one of the key stages in the professional career of a young teacher. Failures at this stage may adversely affect future career prospects in the higher school system as a whole. Therefore, creating conditions for the successful passage of the period of adaptation of young teachers is one of the important tasks of personnel management at the university. The author offers a set of measures for the systematic adaptation of young teachers at the university.


Young university teachers, professional adaptation, career management, higher school

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142236182   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.2550

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