Professional culture of the lawyer: theoretical and legal comprehension

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The paper substantiates the importance of studying professional culture of lawyers under conditions of «digital economy» and innovation society as a response to continual social, scientific and technological transformations. Technical and technological equipment of professional activity of lawyers relieving the execution of formalized legal operations stimulates rise in theoretical and practical knowledge on the one hand, determines a possibility of the development of legal techno-cynicism on the other hand, because there is a risk of elimination of valuable and spiritual principles of legal reality in the course of interaction of a human and a soulless robot-lawyer. On the basis of this conception of the future legal profession, the author represents the author’s view of professional legal culture as a quantitative state of lawyer’s personality expressed in his/her professional legal consciousness, behavior, professional activity and its results determined by a degree of systematized doctrinal, dogmatic, theoretical, philosophical, technological learning of law in the socio-cultural and professionally valuable context. It is accentuated that such kind of legal culture is formed and developed in certain socio-cultural conditions in the course of legal education and professional activity. The point of view that representatives of non-legal professions can not possess professional legal culture is substantiated.


Lawyer, profession, legal culture, professional legal consciousness, professional culture, professional legal culture, legal education, legal activity, legal thinking, professional training

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IDR: 142233926

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