Professional orientation of a mathematics course at a technical university

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One of the main tasks facing the University is the training of highly qualified specialists with established professional and universal competencies. The solution of such an important and complex task is possible only in close cooperation of individual university structures working to achieve a common goal. The article deals with the issues of teaching mathematics at a technical university, given the multidisciplinary nature of the training of future bachelors, masters, a special approach is needed to the methodology of presenting a certain course of mathematics for a particular specialty. It is the professional orientation of the discipline taught that will help to prepare good specialists who are in demand in the labor market. The above study summarizes many years of experience in this area, highlights certain components in the formation of professional competencies, including in mathematics classes. The article analyzes the organizational, substantive and methodological components of a professionally oriented mathematics course. An overview of various methods of developing interest in the subject, the motivational component of the learning process, and examples of individual tasks in different areas of student training are given.


Professional orientation, organizational and content component, methodological component, professionally oriented mathematics course, motivational component

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IDR: 148328939   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2024-26-95-24-30

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