Prevention of deviant behaviour of military personnel

Автор: Savin Alexey Dmitrievich

Журнал: Теория и практика общественного развития @teoria-practica

Рубрика: Педагогические науки

Статья в выпуске: 12, 2012 года.

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The article deals with etymology of the “prevention” concept to build a model of deviant behaviour of military personnel. Often the prevention requires a complex approach, which activates systems and structures capable to prevent possible issues or solve the stated objectives. The preventive activities on the state level carried out by means of a system of measures aimed to improve living standards and minimize social risk factors, provide conditions for implementation of social justice principles and create necessary circumstances for the efficient prevention of all the types.

Preventive measures, individual approach, prevention, measure of social influence, educational techniques, mode, method, organization, training, model, dynamics, phenomenon

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