Programmed birth in patients with preeclampsia (gestos)
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An alternative to cesarean section in modern medicine is increasingly becoming programmable childbirth or childbirth according to plan. The most common cause of programmed delivery on the part of the mother becomes gestosis - a serious complication of pregnancy, in which there is a disruption of the functions of vital organs and systems. In newborns after the programmed birth, in comparison with spontaneous, 4 times less often there are birth traumas (fracture of the collarbone, paresis of nerves, etc.); 2 times lower the frequency of asphyxia (oxygen starvation) and ischemic damage (decrease in blood flow) of the central nervous system. Careful natural delivery has acquired special significance in connection with the new possibilities of preparing the birth canal (cervix) for childbirth.
Preeclampsia, programmed delivery, pregnancy, cervix, delivery
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IDR: 142221856 | DOI: 10.17238/issn2223-2427.2018.4.13-17