Prospective Development of Arctic Coal Reserves on the Basis of Spatial Organization of Communications
Автор: Agarkov S.A., Koshkarev M.V.
Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north
Рубрика: Social and economic development
Статья в выпуске: 53, 2023 года.
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In the current conditions of economic instability, the problem of developing the regional space of the Arctic zone, where huge reserves of hydrocarbons and other minerals are concentrated, which are the main driver of the future development of the Arctic economy, is becoming increasingly important. The development of the Arctic region was strongly influenced by the international environment, which, on the one hand, poses a threat to the Arctic mineral projects, and on the other hand, opens up new opportunities for their successful implementation. Against this background, the task of the Arctic coal industry within the framework of spatial and regional development is the territorial and production optimization of production and transportation of coal products. The purpose of the study is to analyze current trends in the development of the coal mining market in the new geo-economic and political conditions, which results in the proposed approaches to the spatial organization of the transport communications system, allowing maximizing the economic and export potential of the prospective development of Arctic coal reserves. It has been established that the current situation greatly affects the energy market. Russian coal market is being transformed under the influence of geo-economic transformations, the formation of new coal mining centers is shifting eastwards closer to the Asia-Pacific region, which will become the main center of coal trade in the near future. The study concludes that the efficiency of the development of Arctic coal reserves directly depends on the spatial organization of a complex system of integrated production and transport corridors (IPTC) that combine the production and logistics chain of mining and transportation of coal products into a single holistically integrated space of sea, coastal and land communications. On the basis of the analysis of the Taimyr coal basin, a priority level for the prospective development of mineral resources has been determined, based on a combination of factors that condition the economic and export potential of coal deposits.
Arctic zone, mineral resource center, complex integrated production and transport corridor (CIPT), multiplier effect
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148329487 | DOI: 10.37482/issn2221-2698.2023.53.5
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