Prospects for the restoration and restructuring of the economy of Ukraine after the military conflict

Автор: Skoropad Volodymyr

Журнал: Ekonomski signali @esignali

Статья в выпуске: 1 vol.17, 2022 года.

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As a result of the military conflict in 2022, in all regions of Ukraine, the economy was destroyed, and poverty increased. More than 15 million refugees, 8 million went to European countries. Economists calculate damage. Data for September and October 2022 were used in the paper. The main donors of the Ukrainian economy are now European countries, the United States, and International Financial Institutions. The war will end and the process of renewing the economy will begin. It is important here to have a national recovery strategy based on the study of such experiences in other countries. The only way to restoration is attracting of investment. Investments can only be involved based on safety, transparency, insurance. The goal is to restore the ability of the national economy to ensure quality life. The strategy of the post-war organization of the Ukrainian economy should be realized in accordance with the plan of its entry into EU membership.


Ukrainian economy, military conflict in Ukraine, the renovation of Ukraine, Marsal's plan, EU membership plan, recovery of the Ukrainian economy after the crisis

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170204044   |   DOI: 10.5937/ekonsig2201195S

Список литературы Prospects for the restoration and restructuring of the economy of Ukraine after the military conflict

  • Andpij Gajdyc'kij, doctor of economic sciences, expert on migration policy in his article.
  • The Association of the Cities of Ukraine and the Congress of the local and regional authorities of the Council of Europe signed a declaration of cooperation in the restoration of the country: A special international resource has been created to coord.
  • (2022) Reports Vanora Bennett on the official website of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
  • (2022) European Parliament supported the proposal of the European Commission to allocate 18 billion euros in 2023 in 2023, voting for the relevant amendments to regulatory legislative acts that will allow you to implement a new Macrophin-Plus formula' is re.
  • (2022) UN General Assembly on Monday 14 November 2022 adopted a resolution that calls for Russia to pay war reparations to Ukraine.
  • German G7 Presidency and the EU Commission, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen at the international expert conference on reconstruction assured Ukraine of long-term assistance.
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  • Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) (2022) The total amount of damage caused to Ukraine's infrastructure is more than $127 billion - KSE Institute's report as of September 2022. the-total-amount-of-damagecaused-to-ukraine-s-infrastructure-is-more-than-127-billion-kseinstitute-s-report-as-of-september-2022
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  • United24 platform (U24) Where funds are divided into three directions: Protection, humanitarian, and medical care, as well as the reconstruction of Ukraine.
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