Spatial dynamics of fluorides in Siberian fir (Abies sibirica L.) needles in Bazaikha river's basin of Krasnoyarsk industrial region

Автор: Spitsyna T.P., Taseyko O.V., Erastov R.A., Kupriyanova T.M., Tagirov R.R.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Биологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 2, 2018 года.

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In the study forest estimation parameters of ten test areas of fir plantings of suburban forests of Krasnoyarsk are described. The choice of Siberian fir as bioindicator was caused by its hypersensibility to aerotechnogenic pollution. Average diameter of plantings of fir-tree was 19.7±5.4 cm; average height was 15.77±4.4 m; average age was 46±11 years. Intermediate class of site class of test areas was II. The concentrations of gross and water-soluble forms of fluorine in the needles of Siberian fir were defined (Abiessibirica L.). The determina-tion of water-soluble concentration was executed by electrometric method with ionselective electrode and the definition of gross fluorine was made by spectrophotometric method. The content of water-soluble compounds of fluorine in the needles of Siberian fir in suburban forests of Krasnoyarsk in the conditions of the reservoir of the river of Ba-zaikha was described for the first time. Average value of water-soluble fluorine in the phytomass of Siberian fir made 1.39±0.7 mg/kg. Spatial dynam-ics of water-soluble fluorine was investigated. The main sources of receiving compounds of fluorine in the environment were analyzed. By means of geoinformation the system was built on the card of spatial distribution of fluorine in the needles of the fir. Two revealed peaks of the pollution showed that the needles absorbed fluorine derivatives occluded in the dust in 20-kilometer zone from aluminum plant (the concentration of fluorides in the needles of 2.91 mg/kg) and gaseous connections actively assimilated plants in 50-kilometer zone of influence of production (respectively 6.4 mg/kg). Received results will be coordinated with the studies of other researchers. The results of the study can be used for the monitoring and assessment of the condition of coniferous plantings of suburban forests of Kras-noyarsk.


Хвоя пихты сибирской (abies sibirica l.), fluorides, suburban forests, needles of siberian fir (abiessibirica l.), aluminum industry, taxation descrip-tion, the basin of the river of bazaikha, krasnoyarsk region

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IDR: 140224341

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