Proteolytic activity of the alkaliphilic microorganisms of water systems of Zabaikalie region

Автор: Radnagurueva A.A., Lavrentieva E.V., Dunaevsky Ya.E.

Журнал: Вестник Бурятского государственного университета. Философия @vestnik-bsu

Рубрика: Микробиология

Статья в выпуске: 4, 2009 года.

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The dynamic of accumulation of proteolytic activity during growth of bacteria cultures 2а, 8а, 10а, Х4, С1К on various sources of nitrogen was studied. Strains actively produced proteases hydrolizing specific for subtilizin-like proteinases synthetic substratum GlpAALpNA, the greatest activity is noted on 36-96 h. of cultivation. Proteases are stable at temperature 23-50оС and рН 7,98-11,3. Data substrate specificity of the most active extracellular proteases of the strains have indicated to their accessory to a class for serine proteases of subtilizin-like type.

Alkaline, water systems, alkalotolerant bacterium

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IDR: 148178853

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