Hypothermic extracorporeal circulation with high perfusion quotient without use of donor blood in adult cardiac patients

Автор: Yevtushenko S.A., Khayes B.L., Barbarash L.S., Lomivorotov V.V.

Журнал: Патология кровообращения и кардиохирургия @journal-meshalkin

Рубрика: Анестезиология, реаниматология и перфузиология

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.13, 2009 года.

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Use of donor blood during extracorporeal circulation remains one of urgent problems in modern perfusiology. This study centers on the results obtained when using one of bloodless perfusion methods. 100 patients with a mean age of 41.0±12.8 years were studied. All the patients underwent different operations under extracorporeal circulation (EC). The 1st group included patients who underwent high-quotient bloodless perfusion, while the 2nd group patients was exposed to EC with a traditional use of donor blood. The groups under study demonstrated comparable data on oxygen transport despite a different oxygen capacity of blood. The duration of artificial lung ventilation after intervention in the 1st group was significantly lower (4.2±1.1 hours versus 10.5±2.1 hours, p<0,05). High-quotient perfusion, when used in cardiac surgery, enables to effectively use bloodless perfusion. This approach allows for avoiding the use of donor blood with its potential unfavorable consequences.


Bloodless extracorporeal circulation, high-quotient perfusion

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142233440

IDR: 142233440

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