Testing the effectiveness of a specially shaped electrode for recording the photocharge effect

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The article discusses such a little-studied phenomenon as the photocharge effect. At the moment the exact nature of this phenomenon is unknown, it can be both an independent phenomenon and a combination of several other known phenomena. As part of the study of this phenomenon tested various measuring chambers and the influence of the shape of the electrode on the magnitude of the photocharge effect, because it is argued that the special shape of the electrode can serve as a kind of amplifier of this phenomenon. The paper presents the results of experiments with two types of electrodes, flat and drop-shaped, and examines whether the use of special, drop-shaped electrodes really gives an increase in the measured signal generated by the photocharge effect.


Photocharge effect, measuring chamber, photoeffect, drop electrode, charge amplification, semiconductors

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170205463

IDR: 170205463   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-6-3-229-233

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