Mental load and its optimization based on integral mechanisms of a personal self-regulation among students - athletes

Автор: Yakovlev Boris Petrovich, Banshchikov Alexander Georgievich, Kuzmenko Dmitry Yurievich

Журнал: Наука-2020 @nauka-2020

Рубрика: Физическое воспитание: вопросы теории и методики

Статья в выпуске: 8 (44), 2020 года.

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The relevance of the theoretical research in the mental load level based on the approach of personal activity is caused by the problem of the influence of the mental load on the quality and effectiveness in the educational activity of students - athletes, as well as on their health and efficiency in sports. The importance of the focused attention on the concept of "mental load" in educational and training processes of students - athletes is primarily explained by the discrepancy, limited selection of psychological factors and mechanisms that make up the features of educational and physical load.

Mental load, activity, athletes, self-regulation, tension

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IDR: 142224916

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