The psychologist as a participant of investigating actions with a minor victim

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The issue of forming the testimony of a minor victim is important for the investigation process and the collection of evidence. Psychological factors play a significant role in the formation of the testimony of a minor victim. Recently, there has been an increasing influence of psychology as a dynamically developing branch of science on criminal proceedings. In this connection, it is necessary to use the knowledge of the science of psychology in the criminal process, including the participation of a psychologist in investigative actions, which are the main ways of forming evidence in a criminal case, as well as the involvement of a psychologist as an expert and specialist to establish the mental state of the victim and its influence on the ability to testify. The problem of choosing the procedural and organizational forms of interaction between the investigator and the psychologist within the framework of the normative regulation of relations arising in the process of forming the testimony of a minor victim by the investigator with the help of a psychologist is actualized. The article discusses the legal and practical aspects of the participation of a psychologist in investigative actions involving a minor victim. Attention is drawn to the ways of interaction between a psychologist and an investigator in preparation for conducting investigative actions with the participation of a minor victim.


Criminal case, psychologist, interrogation, minor, victim, investigative actions, testimony

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 143178221   |   DOI: 10.24412/2587-9820-2021-3-223-232

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