Psychological culture as a potential of subjectivity of a trainer's individuality

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The article considers the problem of psychological culture of trainers. The overview of the main psychological approaches to the understanding of psychological culture of an individual has been presented. The lack of unity in the understanding of structural components of psychological culture in the scientific literature has been noted, the mechanisms of their interrelation have not been studied sufficiently. The construct of psychological culture is considered in the ontological aspect, in the context of self-determination and self-fulfillment as a resource of personal and professional development, due to which the relations between trainers and athletes can be optimized. Proceeding from the understanding of psychological culture as a process aimed at the achievement of internal consistency among values, meanings, needs and self-regulation of personal activity, the systems of psychological culture overcoming activity, ability to self-regulation and the desire for self-actualization are considered as key components. These system-forming elements allow to regulate emotional states, to problematize situations, what contributes to effective resolution of evolving problems in the trainer's activity, and, importantly, they start the processes of synthesis of other parameters of psychological culture, formalizing its dynamics in a specific way. In the empirical study of trainers (sample N = 40) the specificity of the content of trainers' psychological culture is analyzed, the structural components of psychological culture and the mechanisms of their interconnection are described. The author's questionnaire «Psychological culture of a trainer» is tested. Correlation and linear regression analysis are used. Complex operational structure of psychological culture, which develops under the influence of a system of goals and values has been determined. It is provided by self-regulation processes, the development of which formalizes the mode of self-determination. It is proved that the readiness for overcoming activity is the most powerful factor in the psychological culture of a trainer, allowing to achieve competence, professional success and a sense of importance. It was revealed that expanding opportunities for self-actualization of self-fulfillment, psychological culture plays an important role in the building of the capacity of subjectivity, ensuring the adoption of optimal solutions and the effectiveness of trainers' actions in competitive conditions. The importance of acquiring and developing trainer's psychological culture, allowing to prevent emotional burnout, distortions in the value-motivational sphere of the individual has been emphasized.


Psychological culture, structural components of psychological culture, self-determination, overcoming activity, self-regulation, subjectivity of personality

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IDR: 142215211

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