Psychological basis of answers’ search to challenges of developing education in researches of young scientists

Автор: Andrushchenko Tatiana, Merkulova Olga, Konubrikova Lyudmila, Sigacheva Natalia

Журнал: Грани познания @grani-vspu

Рубрика: Молодые психологи-исследователи в образовании: поиск ответов на вызовы современности

Статья в выпуске: 4 (57), 2018 года.

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The article deals with the results of scientific summer psychological school “Young psychologists-researchers in education: answers’ search to today challenges”, which took place in Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project 18-313-10009). The current directions of advantageous psychological researches of modern education are determined.

Psychology of education, cultural and historical psychology, activity approach, inclusive education, adolescence, youth age, research competence

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IDR: 148310952

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