Team sport athletes’ psychological resources of coping with long-term psychological loads at different stages of professional career

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The article is devoted to the problem of coping with team sport athletes’ chronic stress during their long-term sport career. The investigation was based on the assumption that a team sport athlete involves in stress coping both as a single person and as a team member. That is why the investigation program included both athletes’ personal and team coping strategies and their psychological mechanisms of individual and team coping strategies have been revealed. The investigation participants were 76 18-23 year-old athletes - the members of football, volleyball, basketball, handball, rugby teams. Athletes’ personal and environmental resources of stress coping have been assessed. Personal resources included emotional and social intelligence, social and psychological adaptation, sport motivation, communicational and organizational abilities, empathy. Environmental resources involved the level of team social and psychological development, group cohesion, group motivation, group psychological atmosphere...


Long-term athletic career, coping behavior, coping resources, long-term psychological loads, dynamic analysis, team sports, team coping-strategies, individual coping-strategies

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IDR: 142217134

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