The “Bird Catcher” From Remizov’s “Nest”: To the Paris Biography of the Poet Dmitry Kobiakov

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The article is dedicated to unknown plots from the biography of Dmitry Kobyakov – one of the poets of “lost generation” who shared the fate of post-war Soviet repatriates. On the basis of unpublished letters of Kobyakov from the American archive of A. M. Remisov the author reveals the motives of the rapprochement of a famous writer and an aspiring poet. At the external level it was connected with the publication of Kobyakov’s verse books, but on a latent level had according with innovative trends in artistic poetic and prosaic discourse of the second half of the 1920s. The article presents the first part of the study devoted to the literary life of Russian Paris, in the center of which with the support of Remizov appeared unknown Dm. Kobyakov; it contains substantial additions to the literary portrait of young Remizov’s correspondent, as well as to the bibliography of Russian abroad. The description of the history of these creative contacts is the object of new documentary materials that also fill the gaps in Remizov’s biography concerning the topic of literary mentorship of the writer and ‘nest’ of young writers had formed around him in the 1920s – early 1930s.


Russian emigration, biography, narratology, innovation, criticism, aesthetics of literary myth, artistic discourse, futurism, bibliography

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147234687   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2021-20-9-85-95

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