Pulsing mosaic of soils in the Southern Transural region

Автор: Mavletovа-chistuakovа M.V., Scherbakov A.V., Ivanov V.B., Yumagulova E.R., Usmanov I. Yu.

Журнал: Вестник Нижневартовского государственного университета @vestnik-nvsu

Рубрика: Экология и природопользование

Статья в выпуске: 4, 2017 года.

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The authors have studied the space and time changes variability of chemical elements concentration in different landscapes of the Southern Transurals. The results show that all the studied elements and their compounds demonstrate a lot of changes in concentration in all types of tests and observations.Calcium content in the soil samples varied up to 12.7 times, titanium and zinc content up to 10.7 times and that of ferrous oxide up to 28.7.Another outcome of the study is the discovery of weak and unstable correlations between variability series of different elements. Only 7% of correlations between the contents of main heavy metals were detected in the root layer of leached chernozems. Weak correlation of soil limits implies that any combination of the limits can be formed in the soil. Differently directed mechanisms of redistribution of soil elements demonstrate signs of stochastic process. It is possible to make a conclusion that biogeochemical mosaic forms in ecologically similar landscapes and soil conditions. It is defined by stochastic processes of redistribution and movement of chemical elements. Habitat of certain plants can be considered as a unique individual multidimensional pulsating plants niche.


Plants individual niche, migration of soil elements, mosaic of soil parameters, habitat, stochastic process

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14117032

IDR: 14117032

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