Everyday work of the Ulyanovsk tannery plant in the 1970s

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The article is based on the materials of the State Archive of the Modern History of the Ulyanovsk region and the State Archive of the Ulyanovsk region, which are introduced to the scientific world for the first time. The authors examine the history and organization of work at one of the light industry enterprises, the Ulyanovsk tannery plant. The main stories are devoted to the analysis of labor discipline, measures of material and moral incentives for workers. The authors pay attention to the scale of staff turnover and measures to reduce it, to suppress non-normative behavior, in particular alcoholism. A conclusion is drawn about the socio-economic importance of the enterprise for the regional economy during the Soviet period. The authors argue that the inherent potential and traditions of maintaining production made it possible to preserve the Ulyanovsk tannery plant in the changed conditions of the 1990s and the continue its activities as the Closed Joint Stock Company «Ulyanovsk Shoe Factory».


Ulyanovsk oblast, tannery plant, labor discipline, workers, workshop commissions, labor incentives, socialist competition, cpsu city committee, 1970s

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148328566

IDR: 148328566   |   DOI: 10.37313/2658-4816-2024-6-1-113-119

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