The content of the academic journal "Izvestiya of the Samara science centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological science". Ethics of scientific and methodical communication and process of integration into international information space

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The article subject : the world scientometric database (WSD) as the process of communication in scientific periodicals creating growth potential prerequisites for the Russian periodical press. The article object: working content of the magazine "News of the Samara scientific center of RAS. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences" as development and also integration into the international information space. Aim: preparation of relevant content of articles of the magazine for placement in the open press through work with authors, representatives of various schools of sciences and also development of a circle of the international rules of the scientific periodical press. The main ideas discussed in the article: sphere of preparation of the scientific article for the open publication; ethics of printing process; for the first time in Russia the problem of the general methodical nature of preparation of the qualitative publication is designated and the task is set for the Russian researchers; analysis of the all-Russian scientific periodical press; scientific and methodical content of the magazine; bibliography transliteration; obligatory sections of each article; the automated search engines of the world scientometric database (WSD); practice of open reviewing; questions of reviewing in the international scientific discussion. Results: the directions of self-organization of scientific community around printing activity of the magazine within the subject, adjacent, intersubject domains of the scientific periodical press, on the main circle discussed in article of problems. The results application: the working model of the relevant and modern magazine which is created by the Russian scientists in the region, but is directed to solve problems of the scientific periodical press in general, including the international level of integration and citing - WoS CC, SCOPUS. Conclusion: magazine "News of the Samara scientific center of RAS. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences", many years consistently realizes printing activity within already developed schools of sciences of the Samara region. And also, in compliance with the general tendency of the scientific periodical press of Russia - goes way of development for integration into the world scientometric database. The way of constructive development of the magazine is connected with expansion of a circle of the resolved issues and also applications in the work of the basic universal rules on further integration of regional science into the modern scientific periodical press.


ID: 148102549 Короткий адрес:

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