Rational use of Versatile 2375 tractor on the main soil tillage

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The goal of the work is to substantiate rational trac- tion modes and parameters of Versatile 2375 tractor for zonal tillage technologies. The analysis of the state of the Russian and regional markets for high-capacity agri- cultural tractors, made on the model series of mobile power tools of 4k4b wheel formula of domestic produc- tion is carried out. In the structure of the renewal of the tractor fleet of rural commodity producers in the Krasno- yarsk Territory, the K-744R tractors of the Petersburg Tractor Plant CJSC and Versatile 2375 Rostselmash LLC amounted to 35 and 7 %, respectively. The Models and algorithm of stage-by-stage optimization of mass energetic parameters taking into account established constructional features and restrictions on traction and high-speed operating modes are developed for increase of efficiency of use of Versatile 2375 tractor in technolo- gies of tillage According to the results of simulation and experiment, optimal values of the specific gravity of the tractor for tillage operations of different groups were substantiated...


Algorithm, ballasting, tillage, productivity, tractor, specific gravity

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140243328

IDR: 140243328

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