Implications of telecardiodiagnostics for early detection of acute coronary syndrome in adults of working age

Автор: Deriabin A.I., Balter, Levteyev V.Ye., Soldatenkova S.A.

Журнал: Патология кровообращения и кардиохирургия @journal-meshalkin

Рубрика: Новые научные разработки и технологии

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.13, 2009 года.

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The most widespread and accessible method of diagnosing cardiac diseases is electrocardiography (ECG), including remote-controlled technology. In this case ECG recorded by means of a portable electrocardiograph is transferred via telephone or Internet to the Telecardiodiagnostic Center (TC). The latter's users have a chance of obtaining real-time qualified advice of cardiologists on a round-the-clock basis, as well as a possibility of receiving the reports via communication links. This service is of practical importance during mass health examinations and when carrying out regular checks of locomotive drivers. Over a period of 6 months 6710 ECGs from 8 medical institutions of the Northern Railways were received and analyzed by "Telecardiodiagnostics" Ltd doctors. Changes were found in 1754 ECGs (26.14 %). Early detection of cardiac diseases, particularly oligosymptomatic and asymptomic types, prescription of early therapy and prevention of development of complications by using the telecardiodiagnostics system would facilitate dynamic follow-up, as well as save the resources of medical institutions.


Acute coronary syndrome, medical examination, electrocardiogram, electrocardiograph

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IDR: 142233450

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