Early holocene microblade industries in Central Asia (on the materials of the Sino-Swedish expedition of S. Hedin, Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm, Sweden)

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This article continues the series of publications devoted to the Stone Age collections from Mongolia and adjacent territories gathered in frames of the expeditions of the first part of XX century which are kept in the foreign scientific centers. The collection of lithics of the S. Hedin and F. Bergman expedition (Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm) allows to make interesting suggestions on the evolution of microblade (wedge-shaped, microprismatic) industry in the Final Pleistocene - Early Holocene (12-6000 BP) of the Central Asian region.

Central asia, inner mongolia, upper paleolithic, early holocene, microblade industry, technology

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14737765

IDR: 14737765

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