Rare minerals from metaultramafic of the Ilmeny-Vishnevogorsky complex (South Urals)

Автор: Valizer P.M., Krasnobaev A.A.

Журнал: Вестник геонаук @vestnik-geo

Рубрика: Научные статьи

Статья в выпуске: 9 (285), 2018 года.

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The article presents the results of studying peculiarities of chemical compositions of garnets, alumoenstatites, fassaites, omphacites, calcium and sodium amphiboles, chromespinelides, micas and zircons from metaultramafic rocks of Buldym, Ishcul, Nyashevo, Savelkul and Urazbaevo massifs of the Ilmeny-Vishnevogorsky complex. Minerals for research were selected from large (150-200 kg) samples were crushed to a fraction of 0.25 mm. The next stage they were brought to the concentrate followed by selection under the binocular microscope. Microprobe analysis of the mineral composition was performed on a raster microscope REMM-202М with microanalyzer by «SUCCU (IMin-ISR)». Garnet (Py2-27Alm1-68Sps1-23Ca-comp3-96) was represented by pyrope-almandine, almandine, grossular-almandine, spessartine-almandine and grossular-andradite. Orthopyroxene was characterized by a composition (Si4+ = 2.0-1.48, Altotal = 0.10-0.66 f. e.) the enstatite-alimentatie, and clinopyroxene - (Si4+ = 1.85-1.61, Altotal = 0.17-0.50 f. e.) the diopside-fassaite and (Altotal = 0.16-0.66, Na = 0.27-0.70 f.e.) omphacite. Chromespinelids corresponded to the composition (#Cr = 0.20-0.22 - 0.03-0.08, Altotal = 1.59-1.61 - 1.83-1.86 f. e. и #Mg = 0.67-0.70 - 0.70-0.75) spinel and later high-alumina spinel. The composition of minerals reflected polymetamorphical conversion metaultramafic rocks.


Ilmeny-vishnevogorsky complex, metaultramafic rocks, garnet, alumoenstatite, fassaite, omphacite, glaucophane, phengite, chromespinelides

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/149129335

IDR: 149129335   |   DOI: 10.19110/2221-1381-2018-9-10-16

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