Calculation and consequence of designing the power drives from materials with shape memory for deforming and testing devices

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Development of deforming and testing devices with power drive from the material with shape memory demands implementing a specified consequence of steps at its designing and calculating. A necessary consequence of designing and calculating a separate power element, as well as a whole power drive on the base of the obtained experience in developing such equipment is represented in this work. All designing and calculating stages of the power drive from a shape choice and size of a power element to the needed parameters (deformation, power and thermal parameters) are considered. A special attention is paid to the parameters› interconnection for providing a necessary operation efficiency of the power drives.


Materials with a shape memory, nitinol, a power drive, power elements, deforming equipment, consequence of designing, a method, calculation, operation efficiency

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IDR: 148328547   |   DOI: 10.37313/1990-5378-2024-26-1-20-25

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