Calculation of influence of growth conditions on distribution coefficient of impurity atoms between melt and a growing crystal

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Streams of impurity atoms on each of sites 0≤х≤l of border between melt and a growing crystal are submitted as expression in which a and b are determined through convective υс, drift υd and thermal-diffusion υΘ speeds of carry of impurity atoms accordingly in a melt (аl, bl), in a crystal (аs, bs), and also on border of the unit of phases (аsl, bsl). From a condition of quasistationary process of growth the distribution coefficient of impurity atoms concentration on each of sites are found and the general distribution coefficient of impurity atoms between melt volume and a cooled part of a growing ingot K = C is determined. The received expression for K allows to analyze influence of modes of growth (speed of a crystal grows υс, a gradient of temperatures (through υΘ) and force fields (through υd)) on carry and accumulation of impurity atoms in a growing crystal.


Impurity atoms, melt, crystal, grows conditions

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IDR: 146114498

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