The distribution of rage among animals in the territory of Krasnoyarsk region

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Rage of animals developed in the territory of Krasnoyarsk Region in 2002 in three areas. From 2002 till 2016 287 unsuccessful points were regis-tered. The molecular and genetic method of re-search of the biotypes of a virus of rage allocated in the territories of Tyva, Mongolia, Krasnoyarsk Re-gion and Western Siberia established the identity of the biotypes of the virus originated in the territory of Mongolia, Tyva and Krasnoyarsk Region. The drift of the virus of rage appeared from the territory of Tyva, at first in wolves and foxes which led to the formation of the autonomous resistant natural cen-ter within East Sayan's spurs on the territory of Krasnoyarsk Region. The virus of rage extended on neighboring areas located on East Sayan's spurs, including in epizootic process of rage new animals: dogs, cats, farm animals. Primary reason of emer-gence of rage in the areas of the region approach-ing East Sayan's spurs was the red fox, and in more remote from these primary centers were stray dogs and cats. In 86.7 % of cases resources of de-veloping of rage in the region the foxes, the wolfes, dogs and cats and only in 9 % of cases in farm an-imals. Epizootic process of rage in 86.7 % of cases included foxes, wolves, dogs, cats, in 9 % horses, cattle, in 4.3 % - additional species of wild animals (badgers, lynxes, beavers, muskrat). The most un-successful regions having the cases of rage were Kansk zone (Sayansk, Uyarsky), Minusinsk (Ku-raginsky, Minusinsk, Idrinsky) and Achinsk zone (Novoselovsky, Uzhursky, Balakhtinsky), all located on the East Sayan's spurs. In the system of measures of fight against rage the vaccines re-leased by biofactories of the Russian Federation were used. The creation of immune zones among susceptible animals in unsuccessful and threatened areas allowed reducing the emergence of new points and incidence among animals.


Virus, rage, susceptible animals, natural and focal disease, unsuccessful points

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