Distribution and fructification of blackberry gray in the woods of the steppe Don region

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The article devoted to the study of the distribution and fruiting of blackberries PPE in different groups of typesof natural forest steppe of the don area [1].The study of non-timber forest resources presents a great interest from the point of view at intensification of for-est management. However, currently in the Russian Federation, the most studied and widely used berry plants offamily cranberry.The relevance of the article associated with fact that the BlackBerry grey, as an important non-wood resource ofthe southern forests of our country, poorly studied. In literature there are single works associated mainly with thegeobotanical characteristics of this plant.An author on the basis of observations 2012-2014 identified the main regularities of the distribution of culturein different groups of forest types of the steppe of the don area, studied parameters of its productivity, also definedthe possible fishing areas. In addition, the work presents the data of the dependence of the growth and fruiting ofblackberries from the conditions of the habitat.For the time of the work examined more than 40 hectares of forest land, of which presents berries blue-gray ofBlackBerry. It is established that the studied culture is found in all natural forestsof the steppe of the don area: thefloodplain, arena and bairachny. However, the largest areas of berries noted in the floodplain of Don river. The max-imum parameters of blue-gray BlackBerry recorded in birch arena band that has no underbrush and undergrowth.Minimal – oak forests bairachny Priceline in which non-enough illumination in combination with excessive mois-ture created unfavorable conditions for the development of the blue-gray BlackBerry.In addition, the author noted the high dependence of productivity of blue-gray BlackBerry from lighting habi-tats. Well-lighting areas of forest are preferable to fruit culture, and the lack of light leaded to the growth of youngshoots, which shading fruit-bearing and reducing the overall productivity of berry.In conclusion, we presented preliminary findings on the research topic, confirming the confinement of fieldberries blue-grey blackberry to certain groups of forest types.


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143166253

IDR: 143166253   |   DOI: 10.24419/LHI.2304-3083.2017.4.10

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