Prevalence and intensity rate of buccal teeth caries with decay of approximal surfaces

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The problem of dental caries is considered to be one of the most disputed among dentists of Russia and all around the world. Talking about the rate of caries intensity in the world, lately substantial improvement in reducing DEF caries index has been observed in Columbia, Poland, Argentina, the Czeck Republic, Hungary, Malaysia, Portugal and some other countries where caries intensity rate has reduced from very high to medium, in Australia, Denmark, Sweden, the Great Britain - from very high level to low one, in Syria and the USA - from medium to low. On the contrary, this rate has increased from very low to medium one in Korea, Iran; from low to medium one in Austria and India. According to the WHO classification, 180 countries are included in risk groups by rate of tooth decay appearance. In numbers we can represent it as follows: 1) 10% of countries have a very low rate of caries intensity (DEF caries index for 12-year-olds is from 0 to 1,1); 2) 43% - low rate (DEF caries index = 1,2 - 2,6); 3) 35% - medium rate (DEF = 2,7 - 4,4); 3) 10% - high (DEF = 4,5 - 6,5); 4) 2% - very high (DEF >6,6). Unfortunately, Russia’s caries morbidity and prevalence is very high, first due to lack of preventive measures in dental diseases sphere. In the article, the following issues are touched upon: the problem of prevalence and intensity of caries among citizens of Samara city, prevalence and intensity of caries of approximal surfaces and class II of dental restoration of molars and premolars according to Black’s system. Methods of this research include the statistical analysis of prevalence and intensity of dental caries among citizens of Samara, particularly analysis of prevalence and intensity of caries on approximal surfaces of molars and premolars compared to dental caries of other localizations. In the course of selection of individuals for research in prevalence and intensity of dental caries we used the principle of randomization so that to be sure of the study integrity. Using standard clinical methods of research we got data that was combined, systematized and presented as graphics and diagrams. In the process of combining and systematizing the data, we identified several indices: general prevalence and intensity of dental caries, prevalence and intensity of caries on molars and premolars and prevalence and intensity of dental caries on incisors and canines. Such a relative division was conducted to compare and find out the problematic dental arcade, which should be paid special attention to by dentists in their professional activity. After that, we calculated the percentage of class II of dental restoration of molars and premolars (Black) and caries of approximal surfaces from the total number of filled and decayed teeth. According to this number, caries of proximal surfaces is leading among other localizations. The outcomes of research. General rate of dental caries prevalence can be up to 92%, its intensity is 8 cases per one person. Prevalence of molars and premolars caries is up to 93%, intensity is 7,1 cases. Prevalence of frontal teeth caries is up to 36,3%, and the intensity is 0,9 case. Class II of dental restoration of molars and premolars (Black) and caries of proximal surfaces goes as far as 451 case or 66,91% from the number of dental restoration of molars and premolars or their decayed proximal surfaces or 58,34% from the total number of cavities and caries of various localizations. The spheres of received data use are both practical and theoretical odontology. In practical odontology, data can be useful in preventive examinations for early detection and precaution of dental caries as well as in developing of new methods of treatment. In theoretical odontology, data can be useful for developing of conceptions concerning the methods of controlling and preventive care of dental caries. Conclusion. Summing up the results of the research we can state that the rate of prevalence and intensity of dental caries among Samara’s citizens is estimated as very high (prevalence - 92%, intensity - 8). This fact should put a special emphasis on and draw attention of dental practitioners to preventive measures against dental caries and dental diseases in general. We found out that a larger proportion of decayed and filled teeth indices is constituted by buccal teeth, and caries of proximal surfaces and Black’s II class cavities constitute more than 50% from total number of cavities of other localizations. It is connected with the fact that many people do not visit dentists for preventive examinations and ignore or do not pay enough attention to the hygiene of mouth cavity. Consequently, it leads to dental caries development on buccal teeth.


Dental caries, dmf index (decay, missing, filled), prevalence and intensity, proximal surfaces caries, black's class ii caries restorations

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IDR: 148102394

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