Prevalence of antibodies carriage to thyroid peroxidase as a thyroid pathology risk development indicator

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Genetic defects can lead to disturbance of various stages of thyroid hormones synthesis. At a mutation of thyroid peroxidase gene oxidation of the inorganic iodine acting inside tyrocites is broken. Changed thy-roid peroxidase is the basic component of microsomal antigen on which antibodies are produced. Rising of the level of antibodies to thyroid peroxidase is an indicator of thyroid gland cells lesion, the first at-tribute testifying the development of pathological process. In the given work revealing prevalence of autoantibodies carriage to thyroid peroxidase at inhabitants of Samara and Samara oblast, living in con-ditions nature-caused iodine deficiency and anthropotechnogenious loads was spent. It is established, that the level of autoantibodies in survey sample varies over a wide range from 0,07 up to 283,0 ME/ml. At 73,7% of surveyed patients the level of antibodies did not exceed average rate value, and at 26,3% pa-tients it was high enough and averaged 48,8 ME/ml. At comparison the level of autoantibodies to thy-roid peroxidase at man's and a female the essential differences is not taped. All this testifies to high risk of development a pathology of thyroid gland.


Thyroid pathology, thyroid peroxidase, antibodies

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IDR: 14899868

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