Plant communities of violated taiga and subtaga habitats of agricultural part of Krasnoyarsk region

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The results of the study of weed flora of the Yenisei and Kazachinsk districts of Krasnoyarsk Region were presented. The object of the research was weedy component of the flora of Krasnoyarsk Region. The purpose of the study was to examine the plant communities of ruderal and disturbed habitats, to identify the most common species in the taiga and subtaiga of agricultural part of Krasnoyarsk Region. The route passed along the main route Krasnoyarsk - Yeniseysk (04K-044 "Yeniseisk Tract"), the coverage was approximately 170 from 284 km. During the survey the stops were made every 8-10 km, depending on the presence of plots occupied by the crops. In the habitats of various types, the most representative were the families Poaceae Bernhart. and Asteraceae Dumort., also more species of the families Fabaceae Lindl. and Brassicaceae Burnett (Cruciferae Juss.) Cabbage. The following species were more abundant and more common in cereal crops: Apera spicaventi (L.) Beauv., Equisetum arvense L...


Krasnoyarsk region, yeniseisk district, kazachinsk district, taiga, podtaiga, weeds, cereal crops, ruderal habitats

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IDR: 140248947   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-4-3-9

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