Variety of reflexive regulation of sports activity

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The article deals with the problem of reflexivity that is little-studied in sports psychology. In scientific literature there is a divergence of views on the regulatory role of the varieties of reflection, differently determining the organization of sports activities. The results of the empirical research have been given. The negative and positive types of reflexive self-attitude - кvasireflexia, introspection, systemic reflection have been analyzed, their regulatory contribution to the content and effectiveness of sports activity has been considered. The sample included Candidates Master of Sports and Masters of Sports between the ages of 19 and 30 (N=111). The test-toolkit consisted of «Differential reflexivity test», the athlete’s mental reliability questionnaire and the existential motivation test. It has been revealed that a certain type of reflection affects the quality of value-semantic regulation of sports activity. The simplified reflection (introspection and quasireflexion) prevents adequate understanding of the situations of sports activity in the course of the solution of professional problems, making it difficult for athletes to build productive intersubjective relationships, deprives the athlete of the possibility of personal growth and development...


Types of reflection, self-distancing, existential self-determination, self-organization, regulation of sports activity

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IDR: 142219819

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