The development and research of the design of hothouse irradiator with adjustable characteristics

Автор: Dolgikh P.P., Sanginov M.Kh., Khusenov G.N.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Технические науки

Статья в выпуске: 8, 2017 года.

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To increase the efficiency of the irradiation pro-cess in greenhouse technologies, LED phyto-radiators are widely used. The purpose of the study was the - development of the irradiator with adjust-able parameters for hothouse technologies. The analysis of the structures of irradiators made it pos-sible to identify as a major drawback the lack of adjustment of characteristics during the operation. In the study it is proposed to use an irradiator with a regulated light intensity curve to regulate the radia-tion intensity. The technical solution of the irradiator having a body, a flexible panel divided into twelve sectors, four sectors with blue, green, red point sources of radiation, a stop screw and a rotor core made it possible to realize the regulation of the light intensity curve in practice. The light intensity curves of the class "deep" and "cosine" obtained on a dis-tributive photometer allow us to estimate the limits for the regulation of the luminance distribution of the irradiator. The calculation of irradiation system based on the developed irradiator showed that in the variant with a deep curve of the light intensity, the specific power is increased by 7 %; in the vari-ant with a cosine curve of the luminous intensity it is reduced by 58 % when adjusting the height of the irradiator installation from 0.4 to 0.6 m. The re-sults make it possible to calculate and regulate the energy parameters of the irradiation system for a particular greenhouse during the design and opera-tion. In the work it is proved that to realize in prac-tice all the advantages of LED-irradiation is possi-ble by providing an efficient light distribution.


Regulation of the light intensity curve, point sources of radiation, energy efficiency, protected ground structures, led ir-radiators

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140224256

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